Tuesday 27 November 2007

The state of our country: Part 1

I recall out canvassing one afternoon with a colleague in the Eastern housing district of Northampton. As we approached a block of flats, we noticed a young girl was struggling to get her twin buggy down the flight of stairs.

We pulled at the door but it was closed so she left the buggy at the top of the stairs and raced down to let us in. I walked up the stairs to assist her. She couldn’t have been any more than 16/17 years old, a child. It was a sad sight, as she struggled to keep the kids quiet and manage her bags. I helped her down with a great deal of difficulty given that the babies were quite considerable in weight. As we reached the bottom of the stairs, a scruffy looking lad came in. He was about 18/19 years, ‘fag’ in hand and half his face concealed by his scarf and wearing a coat that had seen better days. He himself was due a bath some months ago. He clearly knew her. As soon as I lowered the buggy on the floor, I heard a conversation that will forever ring hollow in my head. This is how it went, no exaggeration what so ever.

‘Awwight! He said.
‘Yeah whatever’ was her reply.
‘What ya doin? ‘I’m bored’!
‘I was gonna go out for a walk ainit?!
‘I feel so horny’, he said with a rye grin, ‘where’s Kaylesha’s dad?
‘Dunno’, she replied.

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. At this point I was stuffing leaflets through the doors on the ground floor but my ears were wide open and curious to hear more.

‘Shall we go up yours and make out? He said, just like that, no hesitation and no doubt.
Yeah whatever! She replied.

And with that, he lifted the pram and off they went, back up the stairs. You can imagine the rest if you are sad enough!

What a sorry state!


Anonymous said...

its a sad situation and i think if the benefit systemwas not so easy people would not do that sort of thing.

Anonymous said...

New Labour mess. They have encouraged the scroungers and they are having a field day at our expense.
